I bought this for my 15yr old son for Christmas. He loves the chair so far. However after a couple of months the left arm pulled out of its sleeve and now just spins in the sleeve when you put it back in. It is pretty annoying. Things need to be tightened after a time but overall he likes the chair. He is over 6ft tall and about 150 lbs and this chair works for him. Sucks to assemble
A good comfortable chair
I bought this for my 15yr old son for Christmas. He loves the chair so far. However after a couple of months the left arm pulled out of its sleeve and now just spins in the sleeve when you put it back in. It is pretty annoying. Things need to be tightened after a time but overall he likes the chair. He is over 6ft tall and about 150 lbs and this chair works for him. Sucks to assemble