First class, sturdy, comfortable. Top marks from us!
This chair is really classy looking, sturdy and comfortable. The color is really beautiful. I like the height of the seat from the floor. I am 51 1/2 in. and my feet rest comfortably on the floor. Easy to rock and rocks just enough back and forth, not too little, not too much. Looks great under our canvas gazebo on our back deck. Im surprised it isnt higher priced. As for the assembly, I really didnt pay a lot of attention while he was putting it together. it didnt take my husband long and he didnt make any negative comments or make any complaints. All of the necessary parts were there and the instructions were simple enough.
I love this chair and recommend it highly.
First class, sturdy, comfortable. Top marks from us!
This chair is really classy looking, sturdy and comfortable. The color is really beautiful. I like the height of the seat from the floor. I am 51 1/2 in. and my feet rest comfortably on the floor. Easy to rock and rocks just enough back and forth, not too little, not too much. Looks great under our canvas gazebo on our back deck. Im surprised it isnt higher priced. As for the assembly, I really didnt pay a lot of attention while he was putting it together. it didnt take my husband long and he didnt make any negative comments or make any complaints. All of the necessary parts were there and the instructions were simple enough. I love this chair and recommend it highly.