This rocker is beautiful and sturdy. It seemed really light weight before I assembled it, but after assembly, it does have a little weight to it. The wood tone is natural with a slight caramel tint, and the back is high just like a granny rocker, and the seat is not low either, but just right. And, its all real solid wood! It took me about an hour to assemble it by myself-but not a problem. Really great rocker!
This is a Beautiful Rocker, and Very Sturdy, Too!
This rocker is beautiful and sturdy. It seemed really light weight before I assembled it, but after assembly, it does have a little weight to it. The wood tone is natural with a slight caramel tint, and the back is high just like a granny rocker, and the seat is not low either, but just right. And, its all real solid wood! It took me about an hour to assemble it by myself-but not a problem. Really great rocker!