The product arrived on time and was packaged pretty well. It did take some time to assemble but as unexpected, the instructions were good! The metal is pretty thin, and I did have one pre/threaded piece strip out during instillation. Be sure that you do not fully tighten the screws until the bed frame is placed exactly where you want it, or the frame will not be level and will be whopper/jawed. As an FYI, this is a pain but necessary. Was pleasantly surprised
OK for a less expensive bed frame.
The product arrived on time and was packaged pretty well. It did take some time to assemble but as unexpected, the instructions were good! The metal is pretty thin, and I did have one pre/threaded piece strip out during instillation. Be sure that you do not fully tighten the screws until the bed frame is placed exactly where you want it, or the frame will not be level and will be whopper/jawed. As an FYI, this is a pain but necessary. Was pleasantly surprised