Nice sturdy bunk bed. I bought it for my daughter to take to college. It came in an 8'x10x20'(aprox)box ,110lbs. The only drawback was it took me 3 1/2 hrs to assemble and I'm very good a putting things together. That's why I only gave it 4 stars. Dont know about about long term durability yet.
It wasnt hard to understand the instruction. Very clear illustrations and everything was labled. There were just ALOT of pieces to assemble.
It's not an 'open box and snap together' product. If you dont mind spending a couple of hrs putting it together I would highly recommend it.
Nice bunkbed
Nice sturdy bunk bed. I bought it for my daughter to take to college. It came in an 8'x10x20'(aprox)box ,110lbs. The only drawback was it took me 3 1/2 hrs to assemble and I'm very good a putting things together. That's why I only gave it 4 stars. Dont know about about long term durability yet. It wasnt hard to understand the instruction. Very clear illustrations and everything was labled. There were just ALOT of pieces to assemble. It's not an 'open box and snap together' product. If you dont mind spending a couple of hrs putting it together I would highly recommend it.