Great sturdy bed. It took about 2 hours to put together but it is worth it. My son used this bed for 3 years and it's held up very well. Never any issues. The ladder isnt great and tends to hurt bare feet but if you have another ladder or pad the rungs it's fine. (We used the swim noodles and cut them to fit. Worked great!)
I had misplaced the instructions and emailed Customer Service simply asking for the Assembly Instructions for the Metal Loft Bed with Desk and within 5 minutes, Amanda emailed me both versions (with and without desk) of instructions. I was shocked at how fast and accurate their response was. I'd give 10 stars if they had that option to review them!
Good bed, Great Company - !
Great sturdy bed. It took about 2 hours to put together but it is worth it. My son used this bed for 3 years and it's held up very well. Never any issues. The ladder isnt great and tends to hurt bare feet but if you have another ladder or pad the rungs it's fine. (We used the swim noodles and cut them to fit. Worked great!) I had misplaced the instructions and emailed Customer Service simply asking for the Assembly Instructions for the Metal Loft Bed with Desk and within 5 minutes, Amanda emailed me both versions (with and without desk) of instructions. I was shocked at how fast and accurate their response was. I'd give 10 stars if they had that option to review them!