This trampoline was supposed to be easy to assemble but it was very difficult. The main frame of the trampoline comes folded in half and is supposed to be opened up. But, whoever assembled the frame put it on backwards and we couldn’t get it open. After over an hour, my grandson finally realized what the problem was, had to get the tubbing out 9which was agonizing) and reassembled it correctly. Now let’s hope this product was worth all the headache
Assembled is very difficult
This trampoline was supposed to be easy to assemble but it was very difficult. The main frame of the trampoline comes folded in half and is supposed to be opened up. But, whoever assembled the frame put it on backwards and we couldn’t get it open. After over an hour, my grandson finally realized what the problem was, had to get the tubbing out 9which was agonizing) and reassembled it correctly. Now let’s hope this product was worth all the headache