Great sturdy bench. Came assembled already so all I had to do was pullout the big pin and it was ready to go. Does not wobble at all. One issue I thought I would have was constantly removing the pins whenever I wanted to change the benchs position. I thought it would be annoying but all you have to do is push it back and itll pop out easily, allowing me to change the incline in seconds.
Leather is comfy as well and the price is very nice.
Great bench, pins are no problem.
Great sturdy bench. Came assembled already so all I had to do was pullout the big pin and it was ready to go. Does not wobble at all. One issue I thought I would have was constantly removing the pins whenever I wanted to change the benchs position. I thought it would be annoying but all you have to do is push it back and itll pop out easily, allowing me to change the incline in seconds. Leather is comfy as well and the price is very nice.