Item was not particularly difficult to assemble, but you do have to look at the drawings carefully to see how each item assembles. Because there are no written words, you have to see how each item is attached so that you do not assemble a piece upside down or backwards. Too difficult to correct once you have advanced into the additional assembly steps. It has very good storage space which is why we purchased it. The formaldehyde smell will last for quite some time, so it is good to have it in an area that will have a lot of air flow.
Good for the value
Item was not particularly difficult to assemble, but you do have to look at the drawings carefully to see how each item assembles. Because there are no written words, you have to see how each item is attached so that you do not assemble a piece upside down or backwards. Too difficult to correct once you have advanced into the additional assembly steps. It has very good storage space which is why we purchased it. The formaldehyde smell will last for quite some time, so it is good to have it in an area that will have a lot of air flow.