It came extremely quick, almost a week before delivery due date. The pieces were all perfect and came with all the parts. The only thing that sucked during the assembly was that all the screws are in one bag together and some of them are similar in size and style. It would be really nice if the screws were labeled in their own bags.
The entire thing is made of particle board so you have to be gentle with not over tightening the screws and stripping the holes. It took my husband and I just under 2 hours to assemble.
Is exactly what I wanted to keep all my insta pots and accessories.
What I had expected, looks great.
It came extremely quick, almost a week before delivery due date. The pieces were all perfect and came with all the parts. The only thing that sucked during the assembly was that all the screws are in one bag together and some of them are similar in size and style. It would be really nice if the screws were labeled in their own bags. The entire thing is made of particle board so you have to be gentle with not over tightening the screws and stripping the holes. It took my husband and I just under 2 hours to assemble. Is exactly what I wanted to keep all my insta pots and accessories.