Package easily damaged, but when all the parts are there, it's great.
My daughter loves this lofted bed. Its not as high as other lofted bed which is nice for tucking her in. I love that it has storage steps instead of a ladder. Gave 3 stars for assembly, not bc it was hard, but bc of how time consuming it was. Our older daughter has a lofted bed as well thats of similar construction that didnt take anywhere near as long. That said, I would buy this bed again.
Package easily damaged, but when all the parts are there, it's great.
My daughter loves this lofted bed. Its not as high as other lofted bed which is nice for tucking her in. I love that it has storage steps instead of a ladder. Gave 3 stars for assembly, not bc it was hard, but bc of how time consuming it was. Our older daughter has a lofted bed as well thats of similar construction that didnt take anywhere near as long. That said, I would buy this bed again.