This is perfect for my 5 year old! He loves it! It did take my husband a frustrating hour to put up. He is a manager for a furniture company and assembles furniture daily so I thought this would be super easy and fast. Not the case.
I am very happy with the purchase. It is very sturdy. The bottom drawer does still open for me even though it is on carpet. It is a little stiff but my son opens it fine.
Great purchase!
This is perfect for my 5 year old! He loves it! It did take my husband a frustrating hour to put up. He is a manager for a furniture company and assembles furniture daily so I thought this would be super easy and fast. Not the case. I am very happy with the purchase. It is very sturdy. The bottom drawer does still open for me even though it is on carpet. It is a little stiff but my son opens it fine.