I was looking for a set of chairs that I could easily clean and these fit my budget. The color is nice, a darkish teal blue that's not too bright. The walnut legs are metal but you can't tell from far away, and they attach in one big piece which made assembly very quick and easy. They were packed well and no pieces were missing or damaged. Comfortable enough to sit and work on my laptop for a few hours. I'm a wider and heavy-ish person and have no trouble sitting in them. I've only had them a short time so can't speak to the longevity, but so far they seem great.
So far so good!
I was looking for a set of chairs that I could easily clean and these fit my budget. The color is nice, a darkish teal blue that's not too bright. The walnut legs are metal but you can't tell from far away, and they attach in one big piece which made assembly very quick and easy. They were packed well and no pieces were missing or damaged. Comfortable enough to sit and work on my laptop for a few hours. I'm a wider and heavy-ish person and have no trouble sitting in them. I've only had them a short time so can't speak to the longevity, but so far they seem great.