Took longer to assemble than planned and 3 people. Seems pretty sturdy. Only down side is between the wall and the pads over the springs the kids legs sometimes go through and get semi stuck. Nothing that would hurt them but annoying... hence the 4 stars. We are 2 weeks in of daily use by my 2 and 3 y/o and they love it. Put it in our garage for an indoor activity during the winter. Fits our garage space very well. Best investment to date.
Great for toddlers
Took longer to assemble than planned and 3 people. Seems pretty sturdy. Only down side is between the wall and the pads over the springs the kids legs sometimes go through and get semi stuck. Nothing that would hurt them but annoying... hence the 4 stars. We are 2 weeks in of daily use by my 2 and 3 y/o and they love it. Put it in our garage for an indoor activity during the winter. Fits our garage space very well. Best investment to date.