My almost-3-year-old grandson loves this trampoline. It took me about 2 hours to assemble it. The instructions were fairly decent although they didn't mention the fact that you need to use two curved washers per bolt rather than one. It's light enough to pull out of the way when the grass needs mowing but it's very sturdy and safe for jumping. I found the pole cushions to be a little hard to install and had to cut a slit where the poles bolt together in order to install the bolt and nut. You need to be strong or have two people to install all the springs.
Great trampoline for younger children
My almost-3-year-old grandson loves this trampoline. It took me about 2 hours to assemble it. The instructions were fairly decent although they didn't mention the fact that you need to use two curved washers per bolt rather than one. It's light enough to pull out of the way when the grass needs mowing but it's very sturdy and safe for jumping. I found the pole cushions to be a little hard to install and had to cut a slit where the poles bolt together in order to install the bolt and nut. You need to be strong or have two people to install all the springs.