Everything about this transaction was perfect. The Seller followed up with me to see if everything was ok, and it was. The trampoline is the perfect size for younger children and this was hands down my 3 year old's favorite gift. It is the perfect height for being used in our garage. Our small adjustable Basketball Goal fits perfectly right over the net. My wife had worries that it would be too dangerous, but once she saw it put together, she agreed that the design is awesome because the net curves back towards the center which encourages my son to stay back from the edges. The last thing I will brag on is the ease of assembly. Everything needed was right there in the box. My only suggestion is to follow the directions closely, especially the part on installing the springs. Follow the pattern they suggest, no matter how much you are attempted not to. I tried to take a short cut and failed.
PERFECT for my 3 year old.
Everything about this transaction was perfect. The Seller followed up with me to see if everything was ok, and it was. The trampoline is the perfect size for younger children and this was hands down my 3 year old's favorite gift. It is the perfect height for being used in our garage. Our small adjustable Basketball Goal fits perfectly right over the net. My wife had worries that it would be too dangerous, but once she saw it put together, she agreed that the design is awesome because the net curves back towards the center which encourages my son to stay back from the edges. The last thing I will brag on is the ease of assembly. Everything needed was right there in the box. My only suggestion is to follow the directions closely, especially the part on installing the springs. Follow the pattern they suggest, no matter how much you are attempted not to. I tried to take a short cut and failed.