Great finished product, parts were unclearly marked
In the end, it looks good and feels sturdy. Putting it together was a nightmare. It wouldnt have been so bad if the parts were clearly labeled. Some parts were missing a number. Other parts were stamped with a red number and much of them were VERY difficult to read. We were also missing a screw. We had to use one one from our toolbox. But my son loves it! The stairs have storage, which is great. Daughter liked the birthday gift
Great finished product, parts were unclearly marked
In the end, it looks good and feels sturdy. Putting it together was a nightmare. It wouldnt have been so bad if the parts were clearly labeled. Some parts were missing a number. Other parts were stamped with a red number and much of them were VERY difficult to read. We were also missing a screw. We had to use one one from our toolbox. But my son loves it! The stairs have storage, which is great. Daughter liked the birthday gift