Great value. You are probably sceptical about quality because of the price. This is s well made bed and a rock bottom price. It took my 10 year old and me about 3 hours to put together. Great project to bond over. It is very sturdy once assembled.
Have a ratcheting Allen wrench (hex head) handy. It will make assembly a lot easier. That and a Phillips screwdriver is all we needed.
Ours came with some minor cosmetic damage. I wanted to get a replacement board but she couldnt wait to have her bed so we assembled as is.
Overall, she is very happy and loves her new bed. just what i need!
Great product. Great value.
Great value. You are probably sceptical about quality because of the price. This is s well made bed and a rock bottom price. It took my 10 year old and me about 3 hours to put together. Great project to bond over. It is very sturdy once assembled. Have a ratcheting Allen wrench (hex head) handy. It will make assembly a lot easier. That and a Phillips screwdriver is all we needed. Ours came with some minor cosmetic damage. I wanted to get a replacement board but she couldnt wait to have her bed so we assembled as is. Overall, she is very happy and loves her new bed. just what i need!