So happy I ordered this sofa! It came way faster than expected and super easy to assemble. It's the perfect size for my living room and although lightweight it's super sturdy. The cushions don't feel like they're sinking in putting it together was quite fast - took about 30 minutes. If you order this sofa please know that all parts are inside one of the seat cushions and any type of tools needed are included. You may also need a bit of weight to put pressure in the middle to get the 2 seats connected tightly unless you're pretty strong and have long arms. Overall, I'm so happy I ordered and my only complaint is Why didn't I ordered it sooner?
So Happy I ordered!!!
So happy I ordered this sofa! It came way faster than expected and super easy to assemble. It's the perfect size for my living room and although lightweight it's super sturdy. The cushions don't feel like they're sinking in putting it together was quite fast - took about 30 minutes. If you order this sofa please know that all parts are inside one of the seat cushions and any type of tools needed are included. You may also need a bit of weight to put pressure in the middle to get the 2 seats connected tightly unless you're pretty strong and have long arms. Overall, I'm so happy I ordered and my only complaint is Why didn't I ordered it sooner?