This took about 3 hours to assemble with one person. It really is sturdy, they dont cut corners with assembly. My kids love it and have made a fort underneath it.
A couple of complaints- the mattresses do not completely fill out the bed, so there are spaces around the edges where stuffed animals or whatever else could fall. Also the slide is surprisingly steep. I had to put a pillow at the bottom underneath it so my 3 and 5 year old wouldnt crash into the floor. They did get the hang of it quickly but it is something to be weary of. Overall this is a great bed, good for younger kids close in age or twins
My kids love this, not awful to assemble
This took about 3 hours to assemble with one person. It really is sturdy, they dont cut corners with assembly. My kids love it and have made a fort underneath it. A couple of complaints- the mattresses do not completely fill out the bed, so there are spaces around the edges where stuffed animals or whatever else could fall. Also the slide is surprisingly steep. I had to put a pillow at the bottom underneath it so my 3 and 5 year old wouldnt crash into the floor. They did get the hang of it quickly but it is something to be weary of. Overall this is a great bed, good for younger kids close in age or twins