So far so good! Set up was fairly easy, a second person is certainly helpful at points. The hardest part was sliding the safety net down over the poles. The padding kept sliding down. Time will tell whether it works its way back up. We had one broken button that secures the two halves of the poles for the safety net, but decided that the net tension and secure fastening of all the others should keep it in place to do the job well enough.
The trampoline itself seems very sturdy and well-made. Well see how it holds up over time!
So far so good!
So far so good! Set up was fairly easy, a second person is certainly helpful at points. The hardest part was sliding the safety net down over the poles. The padding kept sliding down. Time will tell whether it works its way back up. We had one broken button that secures the two halves of the poles for the safety net, but decided that the net tension and secure fastening of all the others should keep it in place to do the job well enough. The trampoline itself seems very sturdy and well-made. Well see how it holds up over time!