Elegant and sturdy rack / top customer care / quality assembly tools included
I saw this rack at a friends house and decided to buy the same. This is a well/designed and sturdy product. The product comes with an unusual level of customer care, from a good assembly notice to the supply of a quality screw driver and finally a little note form the seller with a gift ( bookmark). The assembly note should perhaps be a little clearer but overall this is a quality item, which also looks good. The design which includes a top and a bottom shelves is perfect. Nice fit.
Elegant and sturdy rack / top customer care / quality assembly tools included
I saw this rack at a friends house and decided to buy the same. This is a well/designed and sturdy product. The product comes with an unusual level of customer care, from a good assembly notice to the supply of a quality screw driver and finally a little note form the seller with a gift ( bookmark). The assembly note should perhaps be a little clearer but overall this is a quality item, which also looks good. The design which includes a top and a bottom shelves is perfect. Nice fit.