Overall it’s a great table for the money, solid- but cheap. The drawers only fit in certain places because they are all cut different. And the “grey” was more like dark green khaki. I could have returned it and got the white or black, but instead of that hassle- I decided to buy two cans of spray paint and give it a shiny coat. I also bought cool quartz knobs. It’s not anything like the picture now, but I think it’s better.
Not grey- more like green khaki
Overall it’s a great table for the money, solid- but cheap. The drawers only fit in certain places because they are all cut different. And the “grey” was more like dark green khaki. I could have returned it and got the white or black, but instead of that hassle- I decided to buy two cans of spray paint and give it a shiny coat. I also bought cool quartz knobs. It’s not anything like the picture now, but I think it’s better.