This was nicer than I expected. Overall very comfortable and made well.Pretty easy to screw on legs except the front ones you have to make a decision of CRANKING and tearing the liner or just fairly tight.I am not sur if one is in correctly but we will only sit in this chair to get dressed in morning. It is a smallish chair I am 5,3 and it fits perfectly so a taller person it maybe too small. My little dog loves the new hiding spot.
Better than I expected
This was nicer than I expected. Overall very comfortable and made well.Pretty easy to screw on legs except the front ones you have to make a decision of CRANKING and tearing the liner or just fairly tight.I am not sur if one is in correctly but we will only sit in this chair to get dressed in morning. It is a smallish chair I am 5,3 and it fits perfectly so a taller person it maybe too small. My little dog loves the new hiding spot.