This took my husband about 2 hours to assemble. The finished product is sturdy and perfect for my 3 year old, who just transitioned from his crib. Its a great deal for the price. The only negative I have is all of the stickers that come on the pieces of wood. They are very hard to remove. Especially the extremely long warning label that is on one of the pieces. We had to make sure we had it facing out, instead of in, when assembling. Other than that, it was a good purchase and I can see this lasting him at least 6/7 years. Value for money.
Decent bedeasy to put together.
This took my husband about 2 hours to assemble. The finished product is sturdy and perfect for my 3 year old, who just transitioned from his crib. Its a great deal for the price. The only negative I have is all of the stickers that come on the pieces of wood. They are very hard to remove. Especially the extremely long warning label that is on one of the pieces. We had to make sure we had it facing out, instead of in, when assembling. Other than that, it was a good purchase and I can see this lasting him at least 6/7 years. Value for money.