Easy to assemble and came in less than a week. We got one box first, then the rest the next day. Its very firm. The storage underneath is legit and I love that you can adjust the backs of each piece. It makes the depth of the seats feel a lot larger when you have them leaned back. If youre on a budget and need a large couch, this is a good option. We have three dogs and a cat so Ill try to update this review in a few months. Simple to put together.
Pretty good for the price!!
Easy to assemble and came in less than a week. We got one box first, then the rest the next day. Its very firm. The storage underneath is legit and I love that you can adjust the backs of each piece. It makes the depth of the seats feel a lot larger when you have them leaned back. If youre on a budget and need a large couch, this is a good option. We have three dogs and a cat so Ill try to update this review in a few months. Simple to put together.