Likes: height makes you feel secure with a toddler on top bunk, stair are doable for toddler as they are not too steep and have traction slits at edge of each stair to prevent slips, no sharp edges to wood so no worries about kids ripping their skin if you have one that tosses and turns alot, rustic color, very sturdy no wobbling, weight capacity, light weight and easy to move across hard wood floors at least, stair panels are customizable made a little cubby instead of closing stairs off
Dislikes: smells like its been sitting in a moldy warehouse for a few years Be sure to have it
Great bed for toddler/ young child low
Likes: height makes you feel secure with a toddler on top bunk, stair are doable for toddler as they are not too steep and have traction slits at edge of each stair to prevent slips, no sharp edges to wood so no worries about kids ripping their skin if you have one that tosses and turns alot, rustic color, very sturdy no wobbling, weight capacity, light weight and easy to move across hard wood floors at least, stair panels are customizable made a little cubby instead of closing stairs off Dislikes: smells like its been sitting in a moldy warehouse for a few years Be sure to have it