Bought this for my four little brothers and they love it so much. Its super sturdy and thick. It gives them their own little space. For the most part it was easy to assemble, though for some of the screws you have to figure out where they go cuz the directions doesnt tell you. And it takes at least two people, if you want to get it done fairly quickly then I would use four people. But all in all I would order again! Very sturdy and durable
Few dings, but cute bed!
Bought this for my four little brothers and they love it so much. Its super sturdy and thick. It gives them their own little space. For the most part it was easy to assemble, though for some of the screws you have to figure out where they go cuz the directions doesnt tell you. And it takes at least two people, if you want to get it done fairly quickly then I would use four people. But all in all I would order again! Very sturdy and durable