The bed is very nice for our 3 girls, but we had some issues with assembly. Several parts were labeled incorrectly, which meant we had to take apart several pieces and figure out what went where.
The ladder steps are also too short for the ladder to reach pre/drilled holes, which means the ladder is only screwed into one side of the bed. Overall cute and sturdy for the money, but Im waiting to hear back from the seller on the ladder steps.Its a nice design though.
Cute, sturdy, but a pain to put together.
The bed is very nice for our 3 girls, but we had some issues with assembly. Several parts were labeled incorrectly, which meant we had to take apart several pieces and figure out what went where. The ladder steps are also too short for the ladder to reach pre/drilled holes, which means the ladder is only screwed into one side of the bed. Overall cute and sturdy for the money, but Im waiting to hear back from the seller on the ladder steps.Its a nice design though.