I really dont understand what was that bad reviews about. This is a really good quality and a great product. It was easy to assemble, its sturdy and its worth the every penny I spent on it. I love the color I picked. (Stone color) I would highly recommend you guys to buy this product. If you get it assembled right you are good to go. It took 30 minutes to assemble. Thank you for this really sturdy and beautiful product. Get it!!
Great product!
I really dont understand what was that bad reviews about. This is a really good quality and a great product. It was easy to assemble, its sturdy and its worth the every penny I spent on it. I love the color I picked. (Stone color) I would highly recommend you guys to buy this product. If you get it assembled right you are good to go. It took 30 minutes to assemble. Thank you for this really sturdy and beautiful product. Get it!!