Not super sturdy. This is not worth what it cost! Typical poor quality assemble yourself itema jabillion screws, dowels, cam bolts, gluevery daunting n time consuming, especially when instructions suckalso all needless as you could have achieved the same result with much less hardwarealso, I think so much hardware actually makes the item less sturdy as it increases all the vulnerable/weak points. It comes with pre/drilled holesmost do not line up! Once assembled, the doors do not line up n there are 1/4+ gaps around entire dooron the sides, at the top n bottom, n in the middle where the doors meet when closedNO amount of adjusting helped n youre limited on how much you can adjust cuz of risk of stripping the pre/drilled holes. Thus, the doors are crooked n do not align. The handles are plastic n will crack easily. Overall, the actual look of the wood (black oak look) it looks nicefrom afar, across the room. They also do not hold very many DVDsif you have a small collection let alone a large one, this is a waste! Same with CDs, Blue/ray, VHS, etc. Also, these will tip over easilyit comes with a ridiculous velcro/type strap that you can use to attach it to the wall to prevent tippingwho would want to use this on their walls is beyond me, theres a better way Im sure. I do NOT recommend this at allfor the money there are better quality options that will hold much more.
Not worth the cost!
Not super sturdy. This is not worth what it cost! Typical poor quality assemble yourself itema jabillion screws, dowels, cam bolts, gluevery daunting n time consuming, especially when instructions suckalso all needless as you could have achieved the same result with much less hardwarealso, I think so much hardware actually makes the item less sturdy as it increases all the vulnerable/weak points. It comes with pre/drilled holesmost do not line up! Once assembled, the doors do not line up n there are 1/4+ gaps around entire dooron the sides, at the top n bottom, n in the middle where the doors meet when closedNO amount of adjusting helped n youre limited on how much you can adjust cuz of risk of stripping the pre/drilled holes. Thus, the doors are crooked n do not align. The handles are plastic n will crack easily. Overall, the actual look of the wood (black oak look) it looks nicefrom afar, across the room. They also do not hold very many DVDsif you have a small collection let alone a large one, this is a waste! Same with CDs, Blue/ray, VHS, etc. Also, these will tip over easilyit comes with a ridiculous velcro/type strap that you can use to attach it to the wall to prevent tippingwho would want to use this on their walls is beyond me, theres a better way Im sure. I do NOT recommend this at allfor the money there are better quality options that will hold much more.