Very easy to assemble no issues there whatsoever. Instructions were very clear surprisingly as some of these that you have to put together are not.
Looks very nice once assembled I do recommend you use the strap thats included to secure it as the odds of it falling over are pretty good especially if youve got cats or little ones!!!!! I know this as one of my fur babies decided to jump on top of it and test it out right after I put it in place and that made me think of children also.
If youre buying this for a books be mindful of the size, as really this is quite small.
Overall I would say it is a good purchase. Enjoyed it.
Nice for a small cabinet
Very easy to assemble no issues there whatsoever. Instructions were very clear surprisingly as some of these that you have to put together are not. Looks very nice once assembled I do recommend you use the strap thats included to secure it as the odds of it falling over are pretty good especially if youve got cats or little ones!!!!! I know this as one of my fur babies decided to jump on top of it and test it out right after I put it in place and that made me think of children also. If youre buying this for a books be mindful of the size, as really this is quite small. Overall I would say it is a good purchase. Enjoyed it.