Well made, easy to assemble and useful. Super easy to assemble. Very comfy. Adjustable height and swivels too! And the price was right. We have a 9 island with a split top at bar and counter height and a counter height dining table so if I need extra seating at the table I can just move one or more of these barstools over. We didnt want too bulky of barstools and these fit the bill and still provided a little back support as well as the height adjust and swivel. Very happy!
Exactly what we wanted!
Well made, easy to assemble and useful. Super easy to assemble. Very comfy. Adjustable height and swivels too! And the price was right. We have a 9 island with a split top at bar and counter height and a counter height dining table so if I need extra seating at the table I can just move one or more of these barstools over. We didnt want too bulky of barstools and these fit the bill and still provided a little back support as well as the height adjust and swivel. Very happy!