Prob best for hardwood floors rather than carpet. Still good though and would recommend.
This product arrived and it was really easy to assemble. It is good quality and pretty lightweight. It also extends high enough for my really high bar in my apartment. I like it so much that I wanted to order a single chair in light brown instead of just the option of the 2/set. Unfortunately I dont see this option available. I would love if the manufacturer or could provide this option.
Prob best for hardwood floors rather than carpet. Still good though and would recommend.
This product arrived and it was really easy to assemble. It is good quality and pretty lightweight. It also extends high enough for my really high bar in my apartment. I like it so much that I wanted to order a single chair in light brown instead of just the option of the 2/set. Unfortunately I dont see this option available. I would love if the manufacturer or could provide this option.