I was sceptical after reading the reviews but glad I bought it. It was pretty easy to put together. Its is plenty sturdy ive had 2 adults and a 80lb dog on it with no issues. It is firm and the cushions are all connected on a board. So cleaning will be difficult. But this couches for my sitting living room so it shouldnt get too dirty. Over all I think its a great buy. I love the dark grey color I got.
Buy it
I was sceptical after reading the reviews but glad I bought it. It was pretty easy to put together. Its is plenty sturdy ive had 2 adults and a 80lb dog on it with no issues. It is firm and the cushions are all connected on a board. So cleaning will be difficult. But this couches for my sitting living room so it shouldnt get too dirty. Over all I think its a great buy. I love the dark grey color I got.