So far we love this bunk bed! We purchased it for our 2 boys who share a room. They seem very sturdy and well made. They also provide good storage, the dresser built into the stairs we use for underwear, socks, and bathing suits. It took my husband about 3 1/5 hours to assemble from start to finish and found it pretty straight forward. When putting it together there were 2 spots were the wood had split when they shipped it. I contacted the seller and replacement pieces were sent right away without hassle. This was a great purchase!
Awesome Bunk Beds
So far we love this bunk bed! We purchased it for our 2 boys who share a room. They seem very sturdy and well made. They also provide good storage, the dresser built into the stairs we use for underwear, socks, and bathing suits. It took my husband about 3 1/5 hours to assemble from start to finish and found it pretty straight forward. When putting it together there were 2 spots were the wood had split when they shipped it. I contacted the seller and replacement pieces were sent right away without hassle. This was a great purchase!