The frame is honestly great and sturdy. The only thing wrong with it is that I expected to have 14 of height under the bed but instead it only comes up to 12 and unfortunately I have no where to now store my 8 containers that I had under my old frame) so just be wary that the 14 frame only allows 12 of space under the bed. I probably misread while browsing, but good over all though. Ok.
Height is wrong
The frame is honestly great and sturdy. The only thing wrong with it is that I expected to have 14 of height under the bed but instead it only comes up to 12 and unfortunately I have no where to now store my 8 containers that I had under my old frame) so just be wary that the 14 frame only allows 12 of space under the bed. I probably misread while browsing, but good over all though. Ok.