Easy assembly, sturdy as heck! I love how much stuff can be stored underneath. This is awesome for a dorm or small apartment bedroom! The only drawback is how often Ive banged my knee, as the Q platform is about 5 wider and 3 longer than my Q mattress. Also, the center support on each side and at the foot of the bed are magnets for my tender toes! Adequate quality.
Sturdy and easy to assemble
Easy assembly, sturdy as heck! I love how much stuff can be stored underneath. This is awesome for a dorm or small apartment bedroom! The only drawback is how often Ive banged my knee, as the Q platform is about 5 wider and 3 longer than my Q mattress. Also, the center support on each side and at the foot of the bed are magnets for my tender toes! Adequate quality.