We ordered two of these, a full for my mother-in-law and a queen for my husband and I. My husband had the honor of assembling both, and he was super impressed by how easy they were to put together, and said they were very well thought out and well-made. Hes a machinist and fabricator by trade, so he knows quality compared to cheap junk! I have to say that these are super solid and sturdy! My husband and I dont even have our actual mattress yet because we just moved, so we laid some thick blankets on the platform and put our air mattress on it for the time being. Still very comfortable!
Super sturdy!
We ordered two of these, a full for my mother-in-law and a queen for my husband and I. My husband had the honor of assembling both, and he was super impressed by how easy they were to put together, and said they were very well thought out and well-made. Hes a machinist and fabricator by trade, so he knows quality compared to cheap junk! I have to say that these are super solid and sturdy! My husband and I dont even have our actual mattress yet because we just moved, so we laid some thick blankets on the platform and put our air mattress on it for the time being. Still very comfortable!