I was able to assemble this by myself in about 30 minutes. The instructions arent great; the parts that they reference in the instructions do not have the same letters in the kit. But you can figure out by common sense which parts go where. We just got it today, so I do not have complaints about sturdiness or noise at this point; it seems solid. My one complaint about assembly is that I did not receive the pads to go around or under the legs of the bed. Its easy to stub a toe on a new bed.
Incomplete contents
I was able to assemble this by myself in about 30 minutes. The instructions arent great; the parts that they reference in the instructions do not have the same letters in the kit. But you can figure out by common sense which parts go where. We just got it today, so I do not have complaints about sturdiness or noise at this point; it seems solid. My one complaint about assembly is that I did not receive the pads to go around or under the legs of the bed. Its easy to stub a toe on a new bed.