I was tired when I was putting together, so it was probably due to that for how long it took to assemble. It was sturdy. The backing is held in place with push pin and then hammer screw plugs, not the nails you have to hammer in that are annoying. Sturdy, and I think it will suit my needs for a long time. At least, until I have to remodel my kitchen. Looks nice, and packaged impecably.
I was tired when I was putting together, so it was probably due to that for how long it took to assemble. It was sturdy. The backing is held in place with push pin and then hammer screw plugs, not the nails you have to hammer in that are annoying. Sturdy, and I think it will suit my needs for a long time. At least, until I have to remodel my kitchen. Looks nice, and packaged impecably.