I love this piece It was packaged very well with no damage. I honestly thought I was going to need a chainsaw to get into the box. (Insert giggle here)
Super easy to assemble. Plenty of space for everything I wanted. The only problem I had assembling it was one of the screw holes for the magnetic plates was drilled in the wrong place. Minor inconvenience and was fixed within minutes. Drilled a new hole for it just a 1/4 of a centimeter next to it and it works perfectly. Absolutely in love with this piece.
Love it
I love this piece It was packaged very well with no damage. I honestly thought I was going to need a chainsaw to get into the box. (Insert giggle here) Super easy to assemble. Plenty of space for everything I wanted. The only problem I had assembling it was one of the screw holes for the magnetic plates was drilled in the wrong place. Minor inconvenience and was fixed within minutes. Drilled a new hole for it just a 1/4 of a centimeter next to it and it works perfectly. Absolutely in love with this piece.