The instructions are easy to follow. easy to assemble also, I did it myself but if you have two people it would be faster. I propped the doors up on a small piece of foam that came in the box while I screwed the hinges on so it was kinda tricky with one person but doable. LOTS of storage which is what we bought it for. I like the magnetic closures but the cabinet itself is made of very flimsy material. The back is just particle board but faces the wall so its fine. This product is not worth 250 due to lack of quality but it does look nice and serves its purpose.
Lots of storage, too much money
The instructions are easy to follow. easy to assemble also, I did it myself but if you have two people it would be faster. I propped the doors up on a small piece of foam that came in the box while I screwed the hinges on so it was kinda tricky with one person but doable. LOTS of storage which is what we bought it for. I like the magnetic closures but the cabinet itself is made of very flimsy material. The back is just particle board but faces the wall so its fine. This product is not worth 250 due to lack of quality but it does look nice and serves its purpose.