This is a very nice looking bench and very sturdy. Its not hard to assemble, as long as youre paying attention to details. For instance, its not clear that the holes on the wooden sides of the bench need to be on the bottom, not the top, since they will be used for attaching the wooden base. Also, when putting the two metal rails on the bottom of the wooden base, make sure the two holes on the one rail are facing toward the rear and not the front. With those things in mind, you will find it very easy, even for a novice assembler.
Btw, I am not a verified buyer, since my wife is the one who purchased it.
Nice looking bench; pay attention when assembling
This is a very nice looking bench and very sturdy. Its not hard to assemble, as long as youre paying attention to details. For instance, its not clear that the holes on the wooden sides of the bench need to be on the bottom, not the top, since they will be used for attaching the wooden base. Also, when putting the two metal rails on the bottom of the wooden base, make sure the two holes on the one rail are facing toward the rear and not the front. With those things in mind, you will find it very easy, even for a novice assembler. Btw, I am not a verified buyer, since my wife is the one who purchased it.