Bought this item for my entrance way. First may i say that the finish and metal are all great quality. The fully assembled item looks greaf and seems pretty sturdy. With that being said it was a pain to assemble. The holes are pre drilled but not fully so you have to really use your strength to get any progress with tightening the skrew. I was excited initially when i saw the Instructions looked fairly detailed. Unfortunately they needed more explanation then the picture showed. I took several parts apart realizing several steps later that i had assembled it incorrectly. Again i would definitely buy again. Just difficult to assemble. Bring a friend and you will be done in 30 min.
Great quality. Hard to assemble
Bought this item for my entrance way. First may i say that the finish and metal are all great quality. The fully assembled item looks greaf and seems pretty sturdy. With that being said it was a pain to assemble. The holes are pre drilled but not fully so you have to really use your strength to get any progress with tightening the skrew. I was excited initially when i saw the Instructions looked fairly detailed. Unfortunately they needed more explanation then the picture showed. I took several parts apart realizing several steps later that i had assembled it incorrectly. Again i would definitely buy again. Just difficult to assemble. Bring a friend and you will be done in 30 min.