I was apprehensive to make such an expensive purchase site unseen. However, d/t COVID every furniture store I went to had dismal selections and not at all what I was looking for. I came across this sofa on and later researched it further on the and Bark website and decided to take the plunge knowing I could return it If unhappy.
I LOVE this couch! Its like butter against the skin, so soft and a beautiful color. I was unsure of what I would think of the color once in my home, but the lighter color looks great in my living room against the dark flooring.
I cant say anything yet as to its durability but so far, I LOVE it.
Butter against your skin
I was apprehensive to make such an expensive purchase site unseen. However, d/t COVID every furniture store I went to had dismal selections and not at all what I was looking for. I came across this sofa on and later researched it further on the and Bark website and decided to take the plunge knowing I could return it If unhappy. I LOVE this couch! Its like butter against the skin, so soft and a beautiful color. I was unsure of what I would think of the color once in my home, but the lighter color looks great in my living room against the dark flooring. I cant say anything yet as to its durability but so far, I LOVE it.