Does take some time to put together, but great product Nice, sturdy bed for the price. Fairly easy to assemble, took about 45 minutes. I definitely recommend using better tools than the provided allen wrench to speed up the process. Only complaint is the amount of spacing between the slats. I am using this for a memory foam mattress directly on the slats, and the slats are spaced about 9 inches apart. I purchased an additional six 1x4s and cut to 54 1/4 length and screwed them to the frame for added support and to prevent any damage to the mattress. Slats are now spaced at the general recommendation of 2.5-3 inches.
Nice bed, some modifications may be needed.
Does take some time to put together, but great product Nice, sturdy bed for the price. Fairly easy to assemble, took about 45 minutes. I definitely recommend using better tools than the provided allen wrench to speed up the process. Only complaint is the amount of spacing between the slats. I am using this for a memory foam mattress directly on the slats, and the slats are spaced about 9 inches apart. I purchased an additional six 1x4s and cut to 54 1/4 length and screwed them to the frame for added support and to prevent any damage to the mattress. Slats are now spaced at the general recommendation of 2.5-3 inches.