ease of assembly this is based on no complaints for my husband. Very beautiful bright red color. Sturdy and seems like it will last a very long time. Will be ordering a second one!
UPDATE: Will NOT be ordering a second oneThis is very uncomfortable. Short seat and a little low. The back is too straight. I have tried sitting on a cushion, using a back pad but that pushed me even more upright. Had it on the deck for 6 months and no one stayed in it for more than a couple minutes. I am not sure if it is just me but my 62 240 husband agrees I also want to mention it barely rocks !!!
Absolutely Beautiful
ease of assembly this is based on no complaints for my husband. Very beautiful bright red color. Sturdy and seems like it will last a very long time. Will be ordering a second one! UPDATE: Will NOT be ordering a second oneThis is very uncomfortable. Short seat and a little low. The back is too straight. I have tried sitting on a cushion, using a back pad but that pushed me even more upright. Had it on the deck for 6 months and no one stayed in it for more than a couple minutes. I am not sure if it is just me but my 62 240 husband agrees I also want to mention it barely rocks !!!