Received the waders exactly on time and without a hitch. Upon opening the box, I was truly surprised of the quality of the waders. I did not expect the material quality and the camo print to be so nice. I have purchased much more expensive waders in my life and they were of no better quality. The integral boots fit well and were to the size ordered. I purchased one size larger which is working very well for me. They are indeed waterproof / no leaks!
Overall, I highly recommend this item for anyone that needs waders for almost any situation. Perhaps even a serious fly fisherman would find them satisfactory as well. Cheers.
Overall, a very good value!
Received the waders exactly on time and without a hitch. Upon opening the box, I was truly surprised of the quality of the waders. I did not expect the material quality and the camo print to be so nice. I have purchased much more expensive waders in my life and they were of no better quality. The integral boots fit well and were to the size ordered. I purchased one size larger which is working very well for me. They are indeed waterproof / no leaks! Overall, I highly recommend this item for anyone that needs waders for almost any situation. Perhaps even a serious fly fisherman would find them satisfactory as well. Cheers.