love the look, easy to assemble, color is great. Its a bit narrow in the hips, like reviews have indicated, but thats okay because we are not big people. Bought this for my wife for her home office setup and she loved it when I assembled, but its been weeks and we cant get rid of the smell. We tried baking soda, frebreeze, left it outside for a few days but nothing has helped. Now she has taken my office chair and I am sitting here smelling the chemical off gassing. Its an okayish good product.
cant get rid of that smell
love the look, easy to assemble, color is great. Its a bit narrow in the hips, like reviews have indicated, but thats okay because we are not big people. Bought this for my wife for her home office setup and she loved it when I assembled, but its been weeks and we cant get rid of the smell. We tried baking soda, frebreeze, left it outside for a few days but nothing has helped. Now she has taken my office chair and I am sitting here smelling the chemical off gassing. Its an okayish good product.